Garage doors and security

The Garage Door Company Scotland

Like everywhere else, in Scotland garage doors will always play a central and crucial role in home security. And there are other steps you can take too.

Our garages often store some of our most valuable possessions, which makes them prime targets for burglaries. Neglecting garage security can lead to devastating losses. However, with a few proactive measures, you can deter burglars and safeguard your belongings effectively.

First of all, remember to lock your garage door every time you use it. It’s easy to overlook this simple step, especially with older garage doors that require manual locking. Modern electric garage doors, such as roller garage doors, typically lock automatically when closed, providing added security.

Installing motion sensor lighting around your garage is another effective deterrent. Burglars generally prefer operating under the cover of darkness, but motion-activated lights expose their movements, prompting them to flee. For additional convenience and security, consider remote garage door locking systems. These allow you to control your garage door with a remote or even biometric scanners, ensuring smooth operation while maintaining top-notch security. You can ask about such technology at our garage doors branches in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Kilmarnock and Dundee.

Clearing your driveway of clutter is a good idea, too, as it eliminates hiding spots for would-be intruders. Overgrown shrubs and trees provide cover for burglars, so keep entrances and exits visible from the street. Thorny bushes planted strategically can also act as a natural barrier against unwanted entry.

Investing in new, secure garage doors is perhaps the most crucial step in bolstering garage security. Many of the customers for whom we install garage doors across southern Scotland cite security as the reason for their investment in new doors. Old, damaged garage doors are nothing but an open invitation to burglars. Opt for a sturdy door with advanced security features to deter potential intruders effectively. The same applies to your entrance door—ensure it’s equipped with robust locks and seals to fortify your home’s defences.

By doing those things, you can significantly reduce the risk of garage burglaries and protect your valuable possessions. Don’t wait until it’s too late—take proactive steps to secure your garage today.

Call us free on 0800 889 777, or call your nearest garage doors branch direct:

Glasgow on 0141 773 0902
Edinburgh on 0131 337 3332
Kilmarnock on 01563 542984
Dundee on 01382 213052

Alternatively, drop us a line at